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And so it begins!! I am the new meet the expert on WTRY for everything psychic. Take a listen it will be on the air. As we make and release the spots I will make a page. I'm very excited and hope that you all enjoy the segments! You can also hear my segments on Kiss FM
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Meet the psychic 1 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
Meet the psychic 2 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
Meet the psychic 3 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
My Commercial - Jamie Roberts WTRY
518-915-9119 or 518-915-0082
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Meet the psychic 4 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
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Meet the psychic 5 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
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Meet the psychic 6 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
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Meet the psychic 7 - Jamie Roberts WTRY
Jamie Roberts & Myself - recording a session