518-915-9119 or 518-915-0082
Who is Christine?
Christine was born in Brooklyn, NY and is now the mother of two teenage girls. She currently lives in Loudonville, NY with her children. Christine is a psychic, medium and a life coach.

Her abilities began when she was a small child. She remembers how she would tell her Grandmother predictions and they would happen. Standing and looking out the window as a child (5 years old) and telling her that the truck and car that were steadily approaching each other were going to collide.... and moments later they did. Needless to say her Grandmother kept her away from the window after that incident!

As a child it is very hard to understand why you know what is going to happen before it actually happens. So, we run from our psychic abilities and try to ignore them. Her Grandmother would not allow her to run as the gift was inherited directly from her. So, as a teenager it was embraced and she learned all she could from the wonderful teacher that was lucky enough to also be her Grandmother. 

So here we are today. Fully embraced with who she is and what she stands for, helping as many people as she can along the way. It's not just a reading it's a life changing experience.
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